I came across this quote on Pinterest by Asha Tyson, and wanted to share it with you guys. What really did it for me was the line, “It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now.” So powerful and TRUE! We go through life wondering about the “what ifs” and the “should haves.”
But what God tries to tell us is this: it doesn’t matter what you would have done. All those things had to happen to us, good and bad. We had to suffer heart break so we could appreciate the right one when he finally came along. We had to lose that job so that we could discover our true purpose and live out the plan God had set for our lives.
Your journey has molded you for your greater good. In the midst of our suffering, we can’t even think past the right now. Doubt and discouragement have us blinded to God’s greater plan for our greater good.
Imagine if during those times we stopped asking, “God, why am I going through this?” and started asking “God, what do You want me to learn from this?“ The Apostle Paul—who knew his own fair share of suffering—tells us in Romans 5: “We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us; because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” (v.3-5)
How comforting to know that out of such dark and ugly times in our life (although we don’t realize it at the time) we will come out a better, stronger and a more beautiful person than when we first started. Because we persevered through our journey and through our suffering, we were molded into new creatures.
We are not on our own time and in due season we will see our purpose come into fruition. For now, enjoy life. And more importantly enjoy being in the presence of the One who controls it all…now and forever.
…And now is right on time.
Carmen is inexplicably in love with Christ. She is an adoring wife and a mother to five. She is the founder of WHOLE Magazine and a contributing writer for Godz Gurlz Magazine. When she isn’t blogging at Thoughts of A Christian Girl, you will find her and her husband ministering to the youth in the streets of Charlotte.