By: Tiffany Burlingame
I was a master deflector
My own prideful protector
I denied the pain needed a resurrector
So I became a neglector
I refused to surrender to Jesus
The only person with power to free us
I was gripped by shame
Until Jesus called me by name
“Tiffany, you are a daughter of the king
Take refuge under my wing
I will cover you under my feathers
My comfort will protect you from all weather”
God embraced me damaged, banged and bruised
And transformed my life into a story of redemption to be used
He showed me I am more valuable than gold
A daughter with a calling to live bold
I attempted to piece together the glass shards of my soul
But my Healer rushed in the moment I surrendered control
He restored the years that were stolen by the thief
He reminded me true freedom can be found in the following belief
I am God’s treasured possession
Forgiven of my transgressions
Lavishly and immeasurably loved
I am chosen as God’s beloved
Now my life is marked by eternal freedom
As I serve my King by bringing to earth His Kingdom
How has God mended your messy places?
PC: Ricardo Viana
I enjoy the simple things in life like two-steppin’ and star gazing. My hope is I leave people better than I found them. I believe the world needs more hugs. All that I’m after is a life overflowing with laughter. Avid coffee drinker. Small talk is my enemy. Let’s dig deep and live a life of wild obedience.