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Allie Marie Smith started Wonderfully Made® her sophomore year of college. Her life was transformed by God after experiencing severe depression at the age of eighteen and again at twenty-one which left her hospitalized and almost took her life. She believed if just one girl could be reached with the hope, healing and love of Christ that saved her and transformed her life, it would be worth the effort. And it has been. Over the last twenty years, we have reached hundreds of thousands of girls and women worldwide through our events, podcast, resources and multi-media content. As you explore our website and content, we hope your soul will be lifted. We pray that you will know you are not alone on your journey through life or in the struggles you face, and that God deeply loves you and is with you.

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You are loved.The truth is you are God’s loved beyond measure daughter. To know this and to walk in this truth will fulfill and surpass…
December 3, 2006