Sadie Robertson Huff, New York Times bestselling author and whole-hearted encourager joins us to talk about how to navigate social media with wisdom and live counter-culturally. In Sadie’s brand new book “Who Are You Following: Pursuing Jesus in A Social Media Obsessed World” she draws on her own experience and addresses topics such as online comparison, being truly loved and so much more. We talk about some shocking statistics about our overuse of social media and how to live differently. Saide shares about her experience using Snapchat and why she stopped using it and also shares some of her own social media boundaries that protect her peace of mind and joy. May this inspiring conversation with Sadie encourage you to trade a distracted life for your actual life and live with intentionality and purpose as you whole-heartedly pursue Jesus.
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Watch our short film about social media, “Made for More” here.
Watch our short film about social media, “Made for More” here.
Get Allie’s book “Wonderfully Made: Discover the Identity, Love, and Worth You Were Created For.”