Holley Gerth, bestselling author and encourager of women joins us to talk about the integrity of being faithful in a culture that rewards a flashy life and defines success by our accomplishments, appearance and influence. She shares a powerful definition of faithfulness and reminds us that “the small and hidden moments of our lives are of great worth to God” and offers encouragement for those who feel unseen and as though their lives are mundane and ordinary. Holley shares transformative insights on what to do the next time you feel like you need to do more or be more or hustle for your worth. We hope this conversation empowers you to cease striving, take the next small step and rest in God’s unconditional love and extravagant grace. Regardless of how it looks on the outside, your life is extraordinary and is of great value and worth. There is depth and beauty in living a faithful life. Share this episode with a friend and invite her to be a part of our community.
Get Allie’s book “Wonderfully Made: Discover the Identity, Love, and Worth You Were Created For.”
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