By: Amy Cummins
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)
When you read the account of Jesus visiting Martha and Mary in Luke 10, which sister do you most relate to? Do you identify with Martha, worrying in the kitchen about all that needs to be done? Or Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus in adoration? Personally (and I would suspect this is true for many of us), I desire to be like Mary and accept our Lord’s incredible invitation to intimacy, but often find the demands and distractions of modern life pulling my heart and attention away from His presence.
We live in a society that places productivity on a pedestal. Copious coffee consumption, 80-hour work weeks, and extensive extracurriculars are all praised and encouraged. Living in a state of hurried busyness is the norm, not the exception. As Christians, we often justify this busyness—regardless of the toll it may take on us—by pointing out the good nature of the work and activities we are involved in.
But, if we consider Martha and Mary once again, we see that Martha was fretting about serving none other than Jesus Himself; arguably, there is no greater or more important work than that!
Yet, Jesus chides her, teaching us that our activities are only worthwhile insofar as they are an overflow of our relationship with Him.
Mother Teresa is a perfect example of this. She used to spend at least an hour in prayer every morning before beginning her work. While some might have argued that her time could have been better spent serving the poor, it was precisely her love for the Lord that fueled her love of others and gave her the strength and grace to do His will so well. She said, “The fruit of prayer is a deepening of faith. And the fruit of faith is love. And the fruit of love is service.”
I don’t know about you, but that’s a truth I need to be reminded of often. I can so quickly push prayer aside when life starts to feel busy, forgetting its preeminence. If you’re like me, sister, I want you to consider this an invitation to take some time to rest in the Lord and be filled with His love today. Tear yourself away from the noise, the chaos, and the headlines that distract your attention away from God for a bit. Find a quiet place, settle in, and, like Mary, choose the good portion.
Amy Cummins is Wonderfully Made’s Blog Manager. She loves writing and is passionate about creating meaningful dialogue and empowering others through her work. Her words have been featured in Darling Magazine, Propel Women, POPSUGAR, HuffPost, and the Fullest, among other blogs and magazines. You can learn more and connect with her on her website,