Allie interviews Abby Johnson, a pro-life advocate who worked for Planned Parenthood for eight years, working her way up through the ranks to become the clinic director a clinic in Texas. She was Planned Parenthood’s Employee of the Year in 2008 but she walked away from her job after witnessing the abortion of a 13-week- old fetus during an ultrasound-guided abortion. Abby opens up about her own abortions and offers a grace-filled message for any woman seeking healing from abortion. Abby encourages us to use our voice to advocate for the unborn amidst a culture that dismisses the sanctity of life in the womb. Whether you have had an abortion or you’re not sure how to use your voice, we hope this important conversation encourages or challenges you.
Mentioned Resources:
Her Choice to Heal
Surrendering the Secret
Hope After Abortion