A couple of years ago I was going through a difficult time and I remember being sad all the time, and not knowing what to do, but I was so stubborn and I did not go to Jesus. I let the situation eat me inside out. All I had to do was run to Him, the one who holds my heart, and tell Him that I could not do it anymore, and that I needed Him to help me get through the situation.
I remember one time changing the radio station and I heard the song, Safe by Phil Wickham. “You will be safe in His arms… The hands that hold the world are holding your heart. This is the promise He made, He will be with you always.” I just knew in that moment that everything was going to be alright because God was with me, and He had been with me even in the moments I felt so alone. He was with me all the time. It’s such a good feeling, knowing that our Heavenly Father is always by our side. Sometimes, He will use little things to remind us that we are not alone and that we are safe in His arms. He is our Safe Haven.
The bible is full of promises that God will protect His children. He protected Moses and the Israelites from Pharaoh and his army (Exodus 14:19). The same God who was with them, is with us today. (Heb. 13:8) No matter what your situation is remember that He is with you. You are His child and He loves you and He protects you.