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Christie’s Abortion Story

by Allie Marie Smith
Christie, our dear friend and one of our volunteer Regional Chapter Directors recently opened up about her abortion story on CNN iReport. We were so moved by her bravery and authenticity. We invite you to watch it by clicking the image and link above. You may recognize Christie from one of our conferences of the HerStory film we featured her in. If abortion is part of your past, know that Jesus forgives our sins as far as the East is from the West. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy we invite you to consult a crisis pregnancy clinic such as Westside Pregnancy Clinic. They can refer you to a safe place if you live in a different area. For those of you who missed it and want to hear more of Christie’s story, you can find the HerStory film we did with her below. Remember that God is rich in mercy and grace, slow to anger and quick to forgive. He makes all things new.

Wonderfully Made | HerStory: Christie from Wonderfully Made on Vimeo.
Is abortion a part of your story?

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