In the case of those who struggle with disordered eating, the standard of legalism might be to be ‘model thin’ to achieve a certain weight at all costs, or to believe that when we ‘lose’ weight, life will be perfect and we will be free from all our problems. When we adopt external methods to constrain our behavior, we’re buying the lie that victory can be won with our self-will.
While ‘losing weight’ might result in an immediate increase in our sense of self-worth and value, it is temporary and does not change the deep-rooted feeling that we are irredeemably flawed nor does it satisfy our silent hunger for intimacy with God.
Judy Halliday, Thin Again
(Co-Author of HEAL & Author of Thin Within & Thin Again).
Has the scale ever been your enemy? How did you overcome (or how are you currently overcoming) that?