I’ve always fallen more on the perfectionist side of the spectrum. I have unrealistic ideas about the kind of life I should live and the kind of woman I should be, and I tend to be slow to grant myself the necessary grace to live a sane and peaceful life. Thus, when I saw this sweet little image posted on Glamour Magazine’s blog, Vitamin G, I absolutely knew I had to save it, write the words on my heart, and share it with all of you.
Let’s make this promise to ourselves today. Let’s allow grace to wash over us in the areas of our lives where we have perfectionist strongholds. Let’s let ourselves make a mistake or two, and know that each day is filled with new mercies:
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
QUESTION: Are you holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of perfection? What keeps you from exchanging it for grace?