The grass is always greener, isn’t it? We always want what we don’t have–that is, until we have it and we decide that we want something different. We are fickle beings living in a fickle culture.
Oh, but I need those shoes!
If only my apartment were prettier.
When I lose 5lbs, then I’ll have nothing to complain about.
As if anyone would think us more worthy or more interesting if we had a fancy pair of shoes, a swanky apartment, or lost a miniscule amount of weight. Why are we never content with what we have? Sheryl Crow had it right when she said,
It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.
This isn’t a new concept–this idea of true joy coming from contentment. In fact, Paul talked about this in the book of Philippians:
…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Simply said, but not always simply done, Christ is the way we learn to be content in our current circumstances. It’s through His strength that we learn (and yes, I think we need to learn this) not to want, but rather to see the value in all things we have and in who we are.
What in your life are you dissatisfied with? Would you consider asking Christ to help you learn contentment?