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Today is my dad’s sixty-third birthday. Words or actions will never suffice to express the love I have for him.

To me, my dad is invincible. So is my Heavenly Father.

My dad is gentle, yet strong. So is my heavenly Father.
My dad is a man of utmost integrity and fidelity. My Heavenly Father’s faithfulness endures forever.
My dad believes in the big dreams of my little girl heart. My Heavenly Father is the One who put them there.
My dad has been my provider and a strong tower in the darkest of nights, and so has my Heavenly Father.

My dad reflects much of the character of God – a feat I believe to be the divine calling of every father, but one a majority of dads do not recognize or sadly fail to accept.

After a brush with lymphatic cancer that easily could have easily robbed his life thirteen years ago, with every day I am more grateful to have my dad alive and well. While I am beyond blessed to have the dad I do – the truth is so many girls – maybe even you are not as lucky. I think of one of my best friends Maleah, whose father committed suicide, or my friend Marian whose dad died in a car accident when she was in high school, or my mom’s dad who didn’t fully know how to love his family they way they needed to be loved. We’re living in a world of broken fathers. Broken fathers who can only be made whole by the Father who created them. Fathers who can only love their daughters the way they deserve when they’ve been changed by God’s. Imagine how different the world would be if every girl had a fully present father who reflected the character of God.

I wonder if every girl would know her value.

Happy Birthday Dad. I’ll always be your princess.

How about you. What’s your dad story?

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