Last month, Kayla, Natalie, Christie & I had the privilege of serving as the keynote speakers for Reflections, a Young Women’s Conference hosted by a fabulous church in Fresno, CA called NorthPointe Community. We felt like giddy little girls on our first trip to Disneyland – crazy excited, nervous and a little scared. It was the first time our the four of us were able to do an event together and it was more AMAZING than we imagined (thank you God!). Throughout the weekend, we exposed the wrong places we as girls often turn to for a reflection of our value – guys, the bathroom mirror, friends and the media to name a few; and we inspired the girls to look to the mirror of God for our true value and identity. We were moved to tears as over a dozen girls surrender their lives to Christ and were filled with joy as we got to engaged in both silly and meaningful conversations with them.Unfortunately, there was some tech problems, so all the audio and video footage from the event was lost, but thanks to one of our lovely photographers Katee Grace, we have some beautiful snapshots to share with you! For more pics, see our Facebook album.
We’re considering this the launch of the Wonderfully Made Tour – something you’ll be hearing more about in the coming months! In the meantime, please contact us if you’re at all interested in hosting a Wonderfully Made Conference!