In light of the devastating earthquake that struck the country of Haiti yesterday I come to you with a challenge. A challenge that if I’m totally honest about, I’d much rather dodge and just give a passing glance to – it wouldn’t be the first time. I’m embarassed to admit that my vain self would rather purchase the $16 leaf sculpted metal headband from Urban Outfitters I’ve been coveting or go on one of my semi-monthly TJ Max or Ross shopping sprees than offer any miniscual discretionary income I do have to this immense need. As I write this I can think of at least five justifications for not donating to this releif effort. But as a follower of Jesus (who falls short like all of His followers) I cannot justify inaction.
“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18).”
As I was reminded in my devotion yesterday (the day the 7.0 earthquake struck near the capital of Port-au-Prince) God longs to bring justice, comfort and restoration to the crushed and broken hearted:
“Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed… (Psalm 10:17-18).
Here’s our WM challenge: What possession have you been coveting and hoping to buy for yourself? Imagine if each of us took the money (or even more) which we were planning on spending on the item of our choice and put it towards the Haiti relief effort.
1) Pray for the children, families, and communities left devastated by this disaster in Haiti.
3) Sponsor a child in Haiti. *It may take World Vision a few weeks to update their database with more Haitian children to sponsor. Keep checking.
Keep on loving girls!