Tonight I scrounged through my broken, teeming closet and made a big pile of shoes, shirts and stuff to sell to a consignment shop. I tossed in my four-inch pink high heels, the same ridiculous pair in teal, a brand-new purple and denim pinstripe suit-coat (I know it sounds ugly, but it’s actually cute) and a few hand me downs I inherited that are so not my era.
It left me wishing I could do the same with all the quirks and habits and yuckiness in my life. Just pick out what I no longer like – what I’m tired of looking at everyday, everything I’m too scared or lazy to do anything about and trade it in for something new or useful. Something beautiful, something I’d be proud of.
But the still, small voice I put my hope in tells me it’s possible. The ugly parts of me can be redeemed, transformed or traded in for something new. God is the potter and we are still His clay. However muddy or broken we may be redemption is still possible.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)