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A Constant through the Chaos

by Kelsey Alexander

Do you ever feel like your season of transition shows no sign of slowing down? You are continually surfing from couch to couch, job to job, with few things in your life that remain consistent. Your security is crumbling underneath the two feet you once thought stood firm on the ground and now you struggle to simply maintain your balance. Life as you know it feels chaotic and you do not know how to fix it.

At 23 years old, I thought I would be able to find my groove by now, but I have been in this season of transition for longer than expected.

Recently, I had the opportunity to step out in faith, move into the heart of Hollywood, and intern for a church. Every fiber of my introverted being wanted to stay tucked in my castle on the hill outside of the city, where I could venture into the city, attending church and adventuring all on my own terms. Everything would have been more comfortable if I decided to stay on this path of a predictable routine, but I knew that I could not let this decision be my final declaration. In a moment of boldness, I decided to apply for the program and by the grace of God, I was accepted. I loaded up my jeep and made the trek into the unknown and it was not easy, but it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Through moments of brokenness, self discovery, boldness, and waking up sore the next day from moving tables and chairs from one room to the next, God remained at the heart of it all. Nothing about this internship was perfect, but everything about it reigned perfect to me because of Jesus’ ability to seep through our cracks of imperfection and fill us with His perfect love.

In Him we are created new, able to stand on solid ground because of his selfless devotion to his children. Paul writes in Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Before you were born, God was there. Before the earth was spoken into existence, God was there. God has been and will continue to be there, for you and for me.

Make Him the constant in your life, so that when you are moving in and out of the craziness in life, you can rest assure Jesus will be the truth in your life to fill you with His wisdom, peace, and strength, granting clarity in your steps.

Sometimes we need to throw ourselves out there into the unknown. It is risky, but there is a great thrill and sense of adventure involved! Make moves that will greatly impact the world. The world can quickly become a better place because of your contribution. You have the ability to be a game changer among the crowd.

We are waiting to see what God wants to do with you. Ask God to give you the ability to work with Him in His mission and move with full force. Do not spend too much time wondering if you can withstand the waves. You might flail and flounder, but have faith my dear, you will not drown.



Kelsey Lynn Alexander is an artist at heart. Whether is it through choreography, latte art, or conversation, Kelsey seeks to create and appreciate beauty wherever she goes. She has a passion for helping girls know and understand their value and worth as precious daughters of the most high King. instagram & twitter: @kelsshie_lynn

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