by: Arielle Wilburn
I think it’s time that you
Danced a little harder
Dreamed a little bigger
I think it’s time that you
Sang at the top of your joy and cried at the depths of your sorrow
I think it’s time you lived and lived full
Time you shook of the haters or whatever
And walked like you just found rockets on the bottom of your feet
Because you were never destined for this place anyway
I think it’s time
You explored the universes in your own galaxy
And let yourself be captivated with your own shooting stars
Have you noticed that you trail glitter and gold everywhere you go?
There’s a radiance about you that just can’t be described
Have you noticed that you are loved,
Loved recklessly by the creator of this universe
and He tells you I want all of you
every part of you
all that you think you’re hiding
I want it all
I want the mess ups and the success
I want your tears and the ugly crying
I want that smile
Every teeth of it
Every dimple
I want all of you
I think it’s time that we lived so boldly in this skin that we can call home
That we encourage others to walk just as bold
Sow words of worth back into loving
I think it’s time that we allowed the wind make these wings breathless and soar a little
I think it’s time you hold yourself a little closer and stopped filling empty spaces with empty people
I think it’s time you stopped being so afraid of your own reflection in the mirror
Dare to remember the fearfully made you were crafted in
I think it’s time
oh yes, I think this is the time
Photo Cred: Cloey Christine
Blogger|Spoken Word Artist| Author| Hopes to be a professional verbal processor one day. Admirer of new places, good cups of coffee, conversation that ignites and always a daughter of the King.