By Allie Marie Smith
I recently stumbled across an interesting campaign called #TheUsProject by Soffe (an athletic clothing line) and I just had to share. I don’t know about you but I’ve posted the occasional selfie. We almost all have done it. So what’s the big deal? They seem pretty harmless right? Well research shows that increased selfie taking equals decreased intimacy and more shallow relationships. Ouch! Additionally 93 million selfies are taken per day. Selfies now take up 30% of all photos by 18-24 year olds. And plastic surgeons have even reported a rise in surgery requests among individuals under the age of thirty and heightened self-awareness may be causing the shift.
So all these selfies don’t seem to be helping our self-esteem much.
So what should we do about? The Us Project Campaign is a call to action to remind us that together we are stronger. That together we make an even more beautiful picture. Check out this video:
Get involved:
Take a group photo on Instagram with the people who give you strength.
Use the hashtag #TheUsProject and tag @madewonderfully
What are your thoughts on the selfie phenomenon?