Hey Sweet Things…
Hope you had a great weekend! I’m just recovering from our Wonderfully Conference in Santa Maria this weekend – it was such a great event spent in the company of an amazing group of girls and women. I can’t wait to tell you more about how God moved in girls’ lives and to show you the pictures! We even had all of our messages filmed so we’re pretty excited to be able to share them with you girls in the near future.
One of the many highlights was having one of our wmVoices Danya Collyer fly out all the way from Florida to help lead worship. Danya is hosting our very first WM Conference outside of California – it will be October 7th & 8th in Gulf Breeze, FL and will be a destination conference for girls throughout Florida and surrounding states! More details to come soon!
Here are some pics from the photo-booth we hosted at the Breaking Through Conference in Costa Mesa on Saturday, April 30th. These were taken from our lovely photographer Katee Grace. She’s working hard on getting the rest to you girls as soon as possible (we’ll be sending you a link where you can download your picture for free!).
Such beautiful girls…

What do you think of our backdrop and props?