by Allie Marie Smith
Happy Thursday girls. Glad you loved last week’s Random Thursday post featuring Kayla and “Handy”. We have footage of another ridiculous shenanigan I promise to post soon – this one is even more wacked. Brace yourself.
Anyhow, I’ve been in the midst of creating the stage design plans for our upcoming Wonderfully Made Conference on May 14th in Santa Maria. I’ve been consulting a few friends who suffer from CAD (Creative Attention Disorder) and gathering some photos that have inspired our big ideas. Like most things, my ideas might be a bit far-fetched as we have a shoestring budget, only a few weeks to go and a few volunteers, but I like to aim high and try because God’s girls deserve the best! As I’ve shared before in my post Anthropologie Lustings, I’m a sucker for all things Anthro so she’s the source of much of my inspiration…
What do you think?
Stage panel inspiration…
I wonder how our conference host would feel about transplanting a live oak tree in the middle of the sanctuary so we could do this…
Coffee filter flower garland…
If only this sweet vintage parlor couch would appear in the thrift shop down the street! Hoping to borrow or find pieces like this for our stage furniture.
Because girls and cupcakes just go together..