By: Katie Messer
A few months back, I stood in line to order some beautiful flowers—imported from Holland. It was a weekend and our children were happily playing with my husband. Thus, I was having a nice time, enjoying the wide array of flowers of every color, fragrance and description—packed into this tiny florist shop. Each bouquet looked like they had been taken right off the pages of a magazine. The florists behind the counter were obviously talented at their work. I began to select the flowers I desired within my own bouquet, but as I did, my attention shifted.
The man in front of me was obviously frustrated with a selection of the flowers, the speed in which his order was being completed, and the overall quality of the order.
As he critiqued each bouquet, others helped him wheel in a large trolley of black, latched containers. With his suit coat open, he quickly checked his watch again as he shouted at the men guarding the black containers filled with vases, not to let them fall off the trolley.
He slowly took the vases out of the velvet-lined containers and shouted at those assembling his order to not to hurt the vases. Each vase that he brought into the tiny florist shop looked to be a genuine piece of art. It was apparent that these arrangements were going to an elaborate event. Whatever the occasion, each component was obviously top-of-the-line!
The man sighed repeatedly as he watched the assembly of each decadent bouquet and posh arrangement come to life before his eyes. Precise care and acute attention to each bouquet was undeniable from this gentleman. I was intrigued.
The vases were exquisite to be sure. Each work of art was etched with various patterns and astounding detail. I could not help but notice the beauty as the arrangements were being reassembled within the stunning glassware.
I looked at the man in a formal suit and said with a smile, “What beautiful vases they are.”
In near disgust, the man turned around slowly and looked me in the eyes before preceded to scale my body with his eyes. With a smirk and tilt of his head, the man quickly replied, “They are from Italy. They are worth more than your life.”
His order finished and he impatiently directed the employees of the shop in how to transfer the vases to the waiting transport outside.
As the man left, pushing past all others to get out of the shop and continuing to direct with great impatience, I was completely shocked and very hurt.
I proceeded to select flowers for my own bouquet and tried to shake off what had been said by the complete stranger. Yet, as the breathtaking bouquet was handed to me, I was still wearing the negative comments of a man I had never before seen in my entire life.
“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Colossians 3:12-15 (NASB)
We are to clothe ourselves in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and love—not the comments of others. The Bible assures us that ALL will pass away—including harsh or unfounded criticism—but that the Word of God will stand forever. (Ps. 119:89, Is. 51:6, Mt. 24:35, Mk. 13:31 & Lk. 21:33)
Just because someone says something about you it does not mean that it is truth. Possibly far from it!
Ladies, may we be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). May we be a generation of young women who KNOW what the Bible says FOR OURSELVES…and walk in the beautiful and powerful truths there within!
Jesus Christ showed your worth, my worth, and each person on this earth’s worth—as He went to the Cross of Calvary (also called Golgotha) to paid for the rude, nasty and deceptive things that each and every single one of us commits in our lives (Romans 5:8). Praise God that through His victorious resurrection from the grave on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4), each soul drawing a breath within the story of humanity has one glaring word that can describe them.
What is that word, you ask? Priceless.
Regardless of what Hollywood may try to create as the next idea of romance, or what the media may highlight as courageous stories for us to champion as a culture—the fact remains the same—the ultimate story of unabashed romance and unwavering courage is told through the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Holy Bible.
Praise God for His zealous love for the very essence of who we are and the ultimate price that He was willing to pay to ransom all of humanity from a just punishment for our actions.
“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.” 1 Timothy 2:5-6 (NASB)
Ladies, take this to heart—regardless of what infomercials, pop-up adds or even those within your circles of friends tout—hold fast to the fact that it is not flawless make-up, a chiseled body, personal zip code or bank account that defines your worth. Praise God that your worth has already been declared priceless by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.
If you have not given the Ultimate Gentleman and Lover of soul the opportunity to speak to you directly and share what He thinks of you—I encourage you to do so now!
Take this very moment to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. Entrusting your eternal destiny, your future and the acknowledgment of your worth into the hands of the Author of Creation. God does not make mistakes! He has designed you, in your very essence, to desire to hear that you are beautiful and have worth.
Photo Cred: Juliandra Durkin
Katie was blessed by God to have married her best friend and they have two other blessings whom are their children. Katie holds a BA in International Relations and in Latin American Studies from California State University, Chico. Katie is pursuing a MA in Professional Counseling from Liberty University Online. She enjoys Spanish as well as Arabic. One can find Katie with her family at the local camel races, towering sand dunes, laughing in their backyard or cooking aromatic foods near their current home in the Middle East. Katie is a passionate speaker and writer of God’s hope and healing in the lives of every woman, from every background and every culture around the globe.