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by Allie Marie Smith

Some days it feels like the life has been sucked right out of you. Can you relate? Today is one of those days for me. So was yesterday and the day before.

Sunday I came down with a cold – I think the fact that I spent my birthday playing outside with wet hair in the cold wind might have had something to do with it. I’ve noticed when I get physically sick, I also tend to get mentally weak and that’s a bad combo for me.

As someone who has wrestled with depression and wrestled with it dangerously I know I’ve got to move. I can’t get stuck. I know idleness only makes me feel worse and keeps me imprisoned.

Here are some tips I’ve found to help me rise above my blues. Some tips I am going to put into practice as I soon as I publish this post. I hope you girls will find them helpful too because let’s be real – we all have our blue days!

Assess the situation
Take an inventory of what’s been going on. Try to pinpoint some of the factors that have led you to feel this way. Write them down. Understanding possible triggers and identifying causes can help you rise above them.

Reach Out
Isolation keeps you a prisoner in your own mess. We’re not meant to do life alone. The truth is there are people in your life who love you like crazy and want to be an encouragement and comfort to you. As your inner circle for prayer. Call a mentor, your best friend or a church leader you trust. Consider finding a counselor. Fight the temptation to isolate with all your might.

Silence the Lies
The lies we hear about ourself are always louder when we’re feeling alone, vulnerable and depressed. Refuse to let your mind rant with self-doubts, worries, anxieties and self-criticism.

Fill Your Mind With True Things
Play your favorite worship music. Read a devotional. Pray through the Psalms. Spend hours in the word. Declare the truth about who God says you are as His daughter. Pray without ceasing.

Play the Praise Game
Out loud tell God all the things big and small you are grateful for. Yes, the one rule with the praise game is you have to say them out loud (even if you’re alone!). It helps, I promise!

Get Moving
Get outside your four walls. Go for a walk or a jog. Or a walk-jog. Go to farmers market and buy yourself some flowers. Invite someone to coffee. Drink in the sunshine, let the rain fall upon your head or the wind brush against your face.

What are some things that help you rise above your blue days?

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