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Mission Self-Forgetfulness: It’s a Wrap

The kicker that inspired my challenge was a message titled “Blessed Self-Forgetfulness” by Timothy Keller as well as my observation that the most self-forgetful and outward-focused people seem to be the most beautiful and emotionally healthy – you just want to be around them! Their eyes are turned outward more than inward; they are not bogged down by petty insecurities about themselves and aren’t consumed by their own vanities. They are at peace with who they are and “filled up to the brim up” – with joy, wholeness, peace and an authentic interest in and love for people. I want to be them.

There was a day (specifically in high school) when I was the most insecure person I knew. I would often hide out in the bathroom during lunchtime or under my books in the library. I couldn’t sign my credit card receipt at the grocery store without my hand shaking and face turning red. Every night my mind raced with lies that told me how stupid, ugly and un-cool I was. While I may have hid it somewhat decently, I was consumed by the fact that I could not forget about myself – what I thought about me; what my friends thought about me; what strangers thought about me and what everyone who wasn’t thinking about me thought about me!

While I didn’t live up to my challenge perfectly (Perfection & I broke up four years ago – I suggest you dump him too), I went after all my challenges with gusto and make some serious inroads, all of which helped me think of myself less and others more! I looked in the mirror about 75% less, took time to tell people in my life how much I love them through handwritten notes (I still have more to go!), logged off FB (except for a few ministry things), spent my $50 shopping budget on a girl in need (yes, I am being pharisaical by telling you this!), and tried to remember to ask people lots of questions instead of worrying about I was going to say. I challenge you to set your own Mission Self-Forgetfulness challenges!

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself – it’s thinking of yourself less.” -Unknown

Let’s be a generation of outward-focused, “filled up to the brim up” of joyful girls after God’s own heart who LOVE (in action, not just words) His children because He first loved us.

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