By: Erin Weidemann
Whether you’re a mom or not, you know this struggle: the struggle of “Am I Beautiful?” and “Am I Enough?” Chances are you that during your early years you spent a little time crying alone in your room, wondering whether or not you mattered. It’s not much different for today’s girls. In fact, it’s much, much worse.
Where can we find a beautiful example of real bravery? Someone who chose love and kindness over doing what was easy? Someone whose example can drive out the lies the world tells our girls – that there are rules for how they should love people? We find her in 1 Samuel 25. She’s Abigail: The Belle of Bravery.
The key to Abigail’s bravery lies in her choice: her decision to go, to ride out to meet danger, to do the right thing despite the circumstances. She discerned quickly that the solution was love and stepped out of her comfort zone to love heroically.
And because she was brave, God used her for a mighty purpose. He bent down and whispered into her life, revealing more of who He is through the choice that she made.
And the more our girls can understand His true character, the more they choose bravery over fear – the closer they’ll get to becoming His definition of beautiful.
The world. Our girls are not of it. It’s time to start helping them understand that they are heirs to a different kingdom than the one they occupy in the here and now. Let’s help them to rise up, to reach, to stretch for something better: a chance to change the narrative of a broken world to one that looks and sounds a whole lot more like Jesus.