If you didn’t already hear from my Twitter, WM is the proud new owner of a vintage 1960’s Scotsman trailer! Pretty crazy, huh? If you want an update on our trailer dream, read up on it here.
To make a long story short, I got the crazy idea in January to get a vintage trailer for us to take on the road to our conferences, outreaches and to visit high schools and churches. My prayer was that if this crazy idea was one God wanted to bless, He’d put it on someone’s heart to give specifically for a trailer (I obviously couldn’t justify any other way!)….and an amazing young woman did! Loco, right? Secondly, I needed a place to store it – my friend Holly said we could keep it on her ranch. Check!
There’s a neat story about how we found her too – Christie overheard a lady talking about vintage trailers at LAX Airport and struck up a conversation – she happened to mention we were looking for a trailer and later the lady emailed her to let her know they were selling one that ended up matching my wish list! It was under our budget, leaving money for restoration and was just 15 minutes away from me! A huge selling point her teal appliances!!!
So, here she is in all her glory! That’s me and my guy in the pic – doesn’t he look a little like Uncle Eddie in the movie “Christmas Vacation”? She needs a brand new paint job to make her fresh and pretty and let her true beauty shine! Then we’ll start decorating her inside – Anthro-inspired of course!
What do you think? Any fun girl-names for her?